Sunday, January 30, 2011

Honestly MTV, this is the best you've got?

Whelp, here it goes.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Ask the College Student's very first post. I'm brand spankin' new so give me some credit, I mean let's be honest... it did take me about an hour to decide just what to name this thing.

So, while trying to decide what to write about for my first blog, I flipped through the wonderful options for Sunday night television and realized that about every other commercial on MTV is for their new show SKINS, which turned my writing light bulb on and into full blast and it made me think... is it just me or is MTV's SKINS one of the best cases of poor judgement we've seen in a while. Hmmm, well where to start? 

How about using underage actors to play sexually charged high school students, when in all reality, who went to a high school that is in anyway similar to the ones the character attend? I don't know about any of you, but at my little catholic high school, if you even made a joke about weed, you bet your ass you in the Principal's office ASAP... but no, not at the SKINS high school.

SIDE NOTE: You'll have to forgive me on not knowing too many details on the show, seeing that I have spent only about 15 minutes of my life that I'll never get back watching this horribly written show and was so appalled that I didn't pay attention to the characters names or life details.

OK, back to the show. MTV claims their trying  depict "real life" situations and make it easier for parents to talk about sensitive issues.  But these ARE NOT real life situations.   Where I come from there's no Ecstasy poppin' before showing my HORRIBLE fake I.D at the town lesbian bar on a Tuesday night. Maybe that's just me.

So to find out I asked the college student and the response was just about what I expected...
"MTV stop trying to make SKINS look cool ... it's never going to be"
"It's pretty much porn for teenage boys between 14-16, lol"
"I watched 5 minutes of it and that was enough for me"
"Maybe they should just do what their name says and play music?"

This is just a couple of responses people gave me and I feel like we all agreed. MTV went for shock and awe with this new show. I understand that its somewhat of a copy/knockoff of the UK version, but I'm pretty sure we can all agree Americans and the Brits have a little bit of a different sense of taste. [ex: Simon Cowell] 

As far as crisis management from MTV's perspective, here's a hint. Don't show boarderline child porn? 

Seems kind of simple, but who am I ? What do I know?
I mean, I'm just a college student.

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