Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Well that whole blog a day didn't work as well as planned, but eh what can you do?  I've been a little busy attempting to plan my life after college, it's not nearly as easy as I thought.  In order to graduate I have to have the dreaded word ...

I've looked far and wide, spent many nights using every single search engine I could think of, hoping each would produce an exciting, paid and fun internship.  Maybe that's why I'm still looking.  As of right now my magic numbers consist of 40, 6, and 3.

40 - The number of applications I've sent out.
6 - The number of internships I've heard from.
3 - The number of rejections I've received.

As you can see, I've had my hands full. The world of employment works in funny ways: you can't get a job without experience and you can't get experience without a job. So wish me luck, I'm off to google my life away.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tweet this.

Welcome to the new age of technology, Twitter.  To be honest,I didn't voluntarily sign up for a Twitter account, I was required to have one by my P.R. professor who claimed that Tweeting is the future of Public Relations and will soon become apart of our jobs as P.R. professionals. Yikes.

Now, I'll be the first to admit I was not excited to join the world of Tweeting, I mean honestly... Tweeting? What the hell does that even mean? So I did as I was told and join the 145 million Twitter-ers and tried to figure out what the heck the # and @ signs meant.  It took a while to get used to seeing that Twitter is just a constant summary of meaningless updates about usually about the lives of people you know.

Yes, I'm sorry to say to all you Kardashian fans, just because you're Facebook friends or follow them on Twitter doesn't mean you know them.

I will admit as soon as I got my account up and rolling I went and searched meaningless celebrities such 
@perezhilton @ryanseacrest and even @britneyspears. While as embarrassing as that was to admit, I soon realized I was boarder line ready to smash a computer if read another one of @kimkardashians IQ lowering Tweets about QuickTrim and decided to "Unfollow" them all.

After contemplating shutting down my account, I decided to check and see who else has a Twitter and to decided whether or not I cared what they had to say.  I have so much respect for Anderson Cooper and "followed" him right away and well as @abcnews so I could received up to date news information that actually affects the world around, not what @parishilton ate for lunch.

The thing with Twitter is yes I agree it allows constant interaction with those we want information from, but why on earth do people want to know that you just got done working out and are craving a burger or that you hate Jersey Shore. It's just another example of how some people don't use social media to its full advantage. While on Twitter today, the top "Trends" were #whiteparentquotes, FEMME FATALE, and White Stripes. REALLY? I'm all for @britneyspears' new album, but what about the crisis in #Egypt? Twitter gives you the power to talk about things you care about, but why is it that we care about things that don't matter and turn our heads on the issues that are affecting us now and our future?

Until next time, tweet your hearts out [about things that matter]
- @askacollgestdnt
[go ahead and follow me while your at it]