Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Well that whole blog a day didn't work as well as planned, but eh what can you do?  I've been a little busy attempting to plan my life after college, it's not nearly as easy as I thought.  In order to graduate I have to have the dreaded word ...

I've looked far and wide, spent many nights using every single search engine I could think of, hoping each would produce an exciting, paid and fun internship.  Maybe that's why I'm still looking.  As of right now my magic numbers consist of 40, 6, and 3.

40 - The number of applications I've sent out.
6 - The number of internships I've heard from.
3 - The number of rejections I've received.

As you can see, I've had my hands full. The world of employment works in funny ways: you can't get a job without experience and you can't get experience without a job. So wish me luck, I'm off to google my life away.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tweet this.

Welcome to the new age of technology, Twitter.  To be honest,I didn't voluntarily sign up for a Twitter account, I was required to have one by my P.R. professor who claimed that Tweeting is the future of Public Relations and will soon become apart of our jobs as P.R. professionals. Yikes.

Now, I'll be the first to admit I was not excited to join the world of Tweeting, I mean honestly... Tweeting? What the hell does that even mean? So I did as I was told and join the 145 million Twitter-ers and tried to figure out what the heck the # and @ signs meant.  It took a while to get used to seeing that Twitter is just a constant summary of meaningless updates about usually about the lives of people you know.

Yes, I'm sorry to say to all you Kardashian fans, just because you're Facebook friends or follow them on Twitter doesn't mean you know them.

I will admit as soon as I got my account up and rolling I went and searched meaningless celebrities such 
@perezhilton @ryanseacrest and even @britneyspears. While as embarrassing as that was to admit, I soon realized I was boarder line ready to smash a computer if read another one of @kimkardashians IQ lowering Tweets about QuickTrim and decided to "Unfollow" them all.

After contemplating shutting down my account, I decided to check and see who else has a Twitter and to decided whether or not I cared what they had to say.  I have so much respect for Anderson Cooper and "followed" him right away and well as @abcnews so I could received up to date news information that actually affects the world around, not what @parishilton ate for lunch.

The thing with Twitter is yes I agree it allows constant interaction with those we want information from, but why on earth do people want to know that you just got done working out and are craving a burger or that you hate Jersey Shore. It's just another example of how some people don't use social media to its full advantage. While on Twitter today, the top "Trends" were #whiteparentquotes, FEMME FATALE, and White Stripes. REALLY? I'm all for @britneyspears' new album, but what about the crisis in #Egypt? Twitter gives you the power to talk about things you care about, but why is it that we care about things that don't matter and turn our heads on the issues that are affecting us now and our future?

Until next time, tweet your hearts out [about things that matter]
- @askacollgestdnt
[go ahead and follow me while your at it]

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sorry Charlie

Today's PR example can be summed up in two words ... Tiger Blood.  Charlie Sheen lately has made everyone in the PR world cringe and everyone else awkwardly laugh.  Watching Sheen do his press tour made me glad I don't ever want to be a publicist and those are apparently his former publicists thoughts as well, seeing that he quit as soon as he heard about the numerous interviews Sheen had planned.  It doesn't take a scholar to realize that Charlie Sheen's recent behaviors are doing nothing but give him publicity, but the debate is how well this is going to help him in the long run. Everyone knows Sheen is a train wreck, we're all just waiting to see the crash.. Don't believe me ? You obviously haven't seen Sheen's Korner.

So will his latest actions help him? He has been the topic of every news channel and even has a website dedicated to all the ridiculous things that come out of his mouth, its called Live the Sheen Dream.  It's just insane the things that have actually come out of his reported drug free mouth. He's making quick money of his recent rants and quote of the day through t-shirt deals, but that isn't going to get him his job back with Two and a Half Men.  I think Charlie is planning on riding on this whole shock value act for as long as he can ... but what happens after that Charlie?  You have people placing bets on when your #tigerblood runs out, so cash in on it while you can or at least while you are alive.  
I sadly laughed at this tweet because its so true:
"Parents show your kids the Charlie Sheen videos, they'll never want to try drugs...ever."

Monday, March 7, 2011

Have a Magical Day!

Today is a very Disney day! I will admit right now that I will to my last breathe defend the Walt Disney Company, just not that girl whose name rhymes with Smiley Virus -haha, I thought that was clever.] So naturally, I fell in LOVE with Disney's "Let the Memories Begin" campaign.  I'll confess that I tear up during practically every cheesy moment in any Disney movie, so these commercials turn me into a big ol' ball bag. Don't judge, watch one of the commercials below and see for yourself...

Go ahead, take a moment to compose yourself.

I think what makes this campaign different than those previous, is that you see the real memories of real Disney guests and you have the ability to share your own memories on the Disney website. Click here to upload those embarrassing family photos in matching Mickey t shirts your mom made you wear.  That wasn't just my family right?

Disney is great at targeting not just children who want to go and experience Disneyland or Walt Disney World for the first time, but it also to appealing to parents who secretly, or not so secretly, want to act like kids.  With all the negative news that we are bombarded with each and everyday, commercials like Disney's remind us of when life what simple and worry free.  Each year Disney has a new campaign which is the theme for the year.  In the past the themes have been "Year of a Million Dreams" and "What Will You Celebrate?" All of which promote the Disney image and philosophy that, as Walt said it himself, 
"Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional."

Go ahead and "Let the Memories Begin" all the cool kids are doing it!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Campaign Challenge

I've decided it's time to switch things up with this whole  "blogging" thing. In the beginning, to be honest I just did it as a requirement for a senior level class, but now I'm going to challenge myself. I'm going to challenge myself to find one PR triumph or disaster each day and to analyze how well the message is getting across to college students... OK, well college student aka me. Because let's be honest - its my last semester of senior year, this is the time when professors are just throwing as many random assignments that they can think of at this point.  So how does that sound? Good? Great. Grand. FANTASTIC! 
Here. We. Go.

[In my Bob Barker voice] Today's lucky contestant is

Phil Lozen and the oh so impressive PR team at Domino's are back at it again. To be honest, before I moved to college, I had never had a Domino's pizza. SHOCKING! I know... hey maybe if I tweet that [@PRCollegeGrad  Yes, that was self promotion] I'll end up getting Patrick Doyle to show up on my doorstep with a delicious pizza. Anyways, back to the campaign - I could not believe the newest commercial and the plan to Rate Tate.  If you think I'm going insane due to all the term papers I still have write... I'm not. That's their  "slogan" for the newest menu item - Chicken.  

After watching the commercial, the first thought that popped into my mind was "sucks to be that guy." I mean not only will he forever be known as the Chicken Man, he's probably never going to be able to walk down the street without hearing "I RATED YOU TATE!" Now, I haven't tried the chicken and most likely will not, but I thought it was so smart to put a "Rate Tate's Chicken" option on top of the boxes. Maybe once I do try the chicken I'll be able to answer this question but... how are you supposed to submit your rating? It's on top of the chicken box. Maybe you go online? If anyone has the answer let me know.

Overall, I love what the Domino's PR team has done in the past year or so in revamping the reputation of Domino's. All I hope is that 1. Tate is a real employee [ Ever wonder that? ] 2. If Tate does work for Domino's that his chicken does in fact  taste DELICIOUS otherwise Tate you should call up Steve Bartman and find out how he went undercover, because you might need some tips!

I love Tate's reaction to the box, wonder what happened when they told him he only gets a parking spot if he does well.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sony won't hold it against us, right?

Like many college females like myself who grew up listening to those oh so deep lyrics of Ms. Britney Spears [ex. I'm not a girl, not yet a woman ] I COULD NOT wait for BSpears to come back, for what the 4th time? and wow us all with "Hold It Against Me." I will admit, Britney's music is not the Beatles, but you know what - "All You Need is Love" doesn't get me nearly as pumped up while running as "Overprotected" will.  At first listen I fell in LOVE with H.I.A.M, so I naturally could not wait for the video. 

The hype for the choreography, graphics, and theme in general was all everyone could talk about, so I was happy I could finally see what all the "insiders" were talking about.  After watching the music video all I could think was
In case you live under a rock and haven't seen the video yet, take at a look and try to count how many times the Sony logo is oh so delicately placed.

Now, I've had plenty of college professors ruin my favorite T.V. shows by using them as examples when we talk about product placement. I mean if its small enough that I rarely notice it, I'm OK with it... but Britney's editors didn't even attempt to make it discrete. While looking for stills of the product placement, the first article that came online claimed that B.Spears made... are you ready for this?
$500,000 from the product placement.

I can't even find an NON PAID internship, yet this chick gets a half a million for putting a T.V. in her video. God, my life sucks compared to this. I'd take $5 right now, I wouldn't be greedy. But after seeing the number she got paid, I'll admit it ... I would have done the
exact same thing.

Below are the products seen in the video [ in case you somehow manage to miss them.] I must say it's pretty fricken' impressive that Britney managed to place her own perfume. Now that takes talent.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Oh, Give Me An Achy Break!

The world of Twitter is exploded today with tweets regard a recent interview Billy Ray Cyrus did with GQ that just broke in the entertainment world. My personal favorite being " wasn't complaing about  when the checks were coming in and getting cashed!"

I will state for the record that after Miley Cyrus' first dirty photo scandal broke when she was up and coming was a clear RED FLAG that this girl was going to be trouble.  For those of you who haven't had the chance to read over Billy Ray's words of regret, here's the link and yes, he was serious about his comment on Satan, but we'll get to that later. There were so many quotes in the article that made me want to just yell into the computer HELLO, DIDN'T YOU SEE THIS COMING?

The absolute number one thing that drove me nuts during this interview was that Billy Ray played the victim card the ENTIRE TIME. Oh the show drove my family apart, Disney is the reason my daughter has issues...
 No, you not being the parent is the reason your daughter has major issues.

Today in America, no one stands up and says yes, I messed up. Sure Miley tried to do that after getting busted smoking something  "legal" out of bong [ Which I must admit was a brilliant cover by her PR team who seemed to be working 24/7 these days.]  Everyone tries to blame someone else - Miley just because your computer got hacked and someone leaked those dirty pictures of you ,YOU TOOK THEM! STOP BLAMING OTHER PEOPLE!

As soon as Miley came out with her "Can't Be Tamed" we all knew she was trying to shed her Disney image, but Miley - maybe you should have done this when your show wasn't still on TV?! You where chosen to be a role model, you signed the contract, YOU knew your responsibilities yet you decided taking slutty pictures and dancing on a pole were a good idea. [ Hey Billy Ray, this would have been the point where you stopped combing your hair and grounded your kid!]

To end this rant. Parents start PARENTING! Especially in the entertainment industry kids have to stay humble - another reason to LOVE Justin Bieber, he told an interviewer he talked backed to his mom one day and she took his phone for a week. THANK GOD! There still may be parents who understand how important it is to discipline children.  

So Billy Ray, I'm glad you are now realizing the mistakes you made, but maybe instead of talking about how much your family is messed up in a magazine, you should step away from the limelight and go save your daughter. We all saw what happened to Britney, so when Miley starts heading for some hair clippers, you know you've got yourself an issue.
P.S Billy Ray, don't forget you have another daughter who wants to be just like Miley apparently.

Noah Cyrus is pictured top left , she's 8 in the photo.
 Way to be a role model Miley.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Honestly MTV, this is the best you've got?

Whelp, here it goes.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Ask the College Student's very first post. I'm brand spankin' new so give me some credit, I mean let's be honest... it did take me about an hour to decide just what to name this thing.

So, while trying to decide what to write about for my first blog, I flipped through the wonderful options for Sunday night television and realized that about every other commercial on MTV is for their new show SKINS, which turned my writing light bulb on and into full blast and it made me think... is it just me or is MTV's SKINS one of the best cases of poor judgement we've seen in a while. Hmmm, well where to start? 

How about using underage actors to play sexually charged high school students, when in all reality, who went to a high school that is in anyway similar to the ones the character attend? I don't know about any of you, but at my little catholic high school, if you even made a joke about weed, you bet your ass you in the Principal's office ASAP... but no, not at the SKINS high school.

SIDE NOTE: You'll have to forgive me on not knowing too many details on the show, seeing that I have spent only about 15 minutes of my life that I'll never get back watching this horribly written show and was so appalled that I didn't pay attention to the characters names or life details.

OK, back to the show. MTV claims their trying  depict "real life" situations and make it easier for parents to talk about sensitive issues.  But these ARE NOT real life situations.   Where I come from there's no Ecstasy poppin' before showing my HORRIBLE fake I.D at the town lesbian bar on a Tuesday night. Maybe that's just me.

So to find out I asked the college student and the response was just about what I expected...
"MTV stop trying to make SKINS look cool ... it's never going to be"
"It's pretty much porn for teenage boys between 14-16, lol"
"I watched 5 minutes of it and that was enough for me"
"Maybe they should just do what their name says and play music?"

This is just a couple of responses people gave me and I feel like we all agreed. MTV went for shock and awe with this new show. I understand that its somewhat of a copy/knockoff of the UK version, but I'm pretty sure we can all agree Americans and the Brits have a little bit of a different sense of taste. [ex: Simon Cowell] 

As far as crisis management from MTV's perspective, here's a hint. Don't show boarderline child porn? 

Seems kind of simple, but who am I ? What do I know?
I mean, I'm just a college student.